Five Types of uPVC Windows

When it comes to home improvements, one of the key areas to focus on is the windows. Whilst good-quality double-glazed windows generally have a generous lifespan, there will invariably come a time when they need replacing. At this point, many homeowners opt for uPVC windows – the most popular choice for window replacements in the UK.

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According to G2S, some of the key benefits of uPVC windows include their low-maintenance nature, their security value and their durability. They are also extremely cost-effective – a trait that has landed them with an unfair and inaccurate reputation of being a cheap and flimsy choice. However, modern uPVC has banished this bad press, and now more people than ever are opting for them. But what are the different types of uPVC windows, and which style is best for you?


A casement window is generally installed with just one or two hinges – a simple and straightforward choice that offers an unobstructed view outdoors. Casement windows can be made to fit in any size or shape, and this makes them one of the more popular choices. They are also fully sealed, which helps to keep heat in and therefore cuts down on energy costs.


A cottage window is designed in a more traditional style and is often favoured for its aesthetic value, particularly in older homes. It differs from a casement window because it is double hung with an upper sash that is smaller than the lower.

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A bay window protrudes from the property, often offering a domed or cubed effect. If you are looking at Dublin windows and doors from, a bay window can add value to a property because it increases the size of a room and also allows much more light into the home. It is an attractive feature which many homeowners add as part of a renovation.


Although a more traditional window, the sash style is a great feature in homes with limited space, as the panes slide over one another rather than opening inwards or outwards. This space-saving trick and their Georgian/Victorian history make them a practical and attractive choice.

Tilt and Turn

These windows are convenient and easy to clean as they open fully inwards – which also makes them a viable escape route if needed.