5 Things to Know About Monsoon Season and Water Damage in Arizona

If you live in Arizona, then you’re aware of the monsoon season, a rainy time of year that takes place from June through September. When humidity, pressure and the desert climate mix, it can result in sever thunderstorms, lightning, hail, flash floods, high winds, dust storms and a higher heat index. For homeowners, the biggest concern is monsoon season and water damage in Arizona.

What to Know About Monsoon Season in Arizona

Preparedness is the key to ensuring that your home avoids water damage from monsoons during the turbulent time of year in Arizona. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Clean out your rain gutters: Rain gutters are the sneaky culprit when it comes to water leaks in your roof. Clogged gutters don’t drain properly and result in water pooling in areas around the roof. When you combine this with heavy downpours and consistent rainfall, it can result in