How to Care for Bermuda Grass

Bermudagrass is a common turfgrass found throughout the southern United States and in transition zones where both cool-season and warm-season grasses thrive. Wiregrass and devil grass are just a few of the common names for it. The upgraded turf-type bermudagrass will provide a dense, fine-bladed turf suitable for sports fields, commercial sites, and high-maintenance lawns. For further information on care and cultivar selection, see HGIC 1208, Bermudagrass and different content related to Bermuda grass weed killer.

In a place with such a variable environment as South Carolina, creating a yearly maintenance calendar for reliably managing turfgrass year after year can be tough. As a result, it’s critical to keep an eye on temperatures and implement the appropriate management measures based on the year’s weather. Late winter or early spring, when the turf is emerging from dormancy, and early fall, when the first frosts are expected, are critical periods to keep …