With the recent rise in interest in all aspects of sewing, from basic mending skills right up to creating your own soft furnishings for your Gloucester Park Homes location which you found on sites like www.parkhomelife.com/our-parks/orchard-park or by looking on facebook. As well as the more intense needlework like embroidery and cross stitch, sewing offers something for everyone.
You used to need to be shown how to learn sewing skills but these days, like so
many other skills, you can watch tutorials on practically any aspect of
needlework online.
Video sites like YouTube host thousands of videos on all aspects of sewing, and
are contributing to its growth as a pastime as reported by the Guardian.
If you are considering taking your first steps in the world of needlework, here
are five more reasons to start sewing.
Time honoured and beloved
For many of us, sewing, knitting and other home related crafts remind us of
those we saw practising those skills when we were young. Generations of our
mothers and grandmothers used these skills daily and passed them on to the next
generation. Sadly, that rarely happens now and so it’s a lovely thing to be
able to learn a craft, and like past generations, pass those skills on to
future generations.
Amazing and unique
Homemade gifts not only show a lot of love, time and forethought have gone into
them, they are unique and special in a way no mass-produced product could ever
With huge choices of materials and accessories, anything you create, even
clothing, will be customised and unique.
Always something new to learn
With sewing machines sporting an ever-expanding range of stitches and
finishes for you to try as well as the vast range of areas covered by the
umbrella of sewing, there is always something new to try, a new skill to
All for the pleasure
In the past, sewing was often part of domestic work, a necessary part of being
a housewife. Now we don’t need to sew, but when you choose to make your own
soft furnishings or repair your favourite summer skirt, you can do it for the
pure pleasure of being creative and enjoying the work itself.
Needlework requires concentration and keeps the mind sharp with the demands
of its precision stitches and measurements.