Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing – The Molding Tops Off The Job

When it comes to kitchen cabinet refinishing companies, adding molding can be the finishing touch that elevates the overall look and transforms the appearance of your cabinets. Molding adds a decorative element, enhances the style of the cabinets, and provides a polished and cohesive finish. Here’s how to incorporate molding into your kitchen cabinet refinishing project:

  1. Choose the right molding: There are various types of molding available, each offering different styles and profiles. Consider the overall design and aesthetic of your kitchen when selecting the molding. Popular options for cabinet refinishing include crown molding, light rail molding, and base molding. Choose a molding style that complements the existing cabinetry and the overall theme of your kitchen.
  2. Measure and plan: Take accurate measurements of the areas where you plan to install the molding. Measure the length and width of the cabinet surfaces where the molding will be applied. Additionally, consider