How often does my dispensary get to submit OMMA compliance reports?

Staying on top of compliance reporting is important for licensed dispensaries in Oklahoma’s booming medical marijuana market. We’ve provided a fast guide to assist dispensary owners in better understand the method of submitting reports to the OMMA and the way to avoid any compliance violations. Oklahoma’s cannabis compliance system relies on these reports to qualify and validate the state’s cannabis market. Marijuana can contain trace amounts of heavy metals, pesticides, yeast, mold, and more. So stick that in your pipe once you smoke it.

 But chemical testing is being unrolled in Oklahoma’s fledgling medical marijuana industry that ought to help consumers gain confidence their medicine won’t contain items with a technical term like “pathogenic microorganisms.”

 What about potency, and therefore the flavor profiles of a product? Again, this information can help guide dose amounts for a patient, or help a connoisseur distinguish between strains. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority already …

Commercial Plumbing Services

4 Types of Commercial Plumbing Services That Plumbers Offer 

Commercial establishments and properties need a perfectly working plumbing system to carry on with their daily operations and activities. Plumbing emergencies can compromise the productivity and performance of a business. 

Since the plumbing systems in commercial spaces are more complicated than those in residential homes, commercial plumbing services are needed for repairs and installations. Read on to learn more about the different services that businesses may need when faced with a plumbing issue.

Drainage System and Sewer Line Services

Since there is a higher demand in commercial areas, their drainage and sewer systems tend to get clogged more often. A clogged drain can be due to improper disposal of grease, food, and toilet paper. Other materials, such as soap and mineral deposits can also accumulate and block the drain.

Untreated clogs may result in leaks, burst pipes, and even drain inaccessibility. …

Winter Roofing Problem

What You Should Know About Ice Dams

Winter is the season when some businesses and other commercial establishments start getting more clients and customers. Storeowners start preparing for the so-called “Christmas rush” when people hurry to buy gifts. Hotels, meanwhile, expect a large number of guests who will come to spend their vacation away from home. And for Madison roofing contractors, this is the time when homeowners contact them to request their professional services.

The winter season brings various types of problems that can damage the roof, and one of the major concerns is the formation of ice dams. This article summarizes everything you need to know about them. Read on to learn how they form and how they can be prevented.

What Is an Ice Dam and How Does It Form?

An ice dam is a common roofing problem during the winter that forms around the eaves of the …