Are LED Pool Lights Worth the Money?

LED pool lights are becoming more popular than incandescent lights. LED bulbs last longer, are more efficient, and brighter. LED bulbs also come in a variety of colors and installation options. LED pool lighting is the best option for personalization and money savings.

What Is an LED?

An LED differs from an incandescent lamp in several ways. An incandescent bulb produces light by heating a filament of wire. An LED bulb is a small semiconductor that converts electricity into light. To control all aspects, these lights use a microprocessor.

Why are LED lights better than traditional pool lighting?


The power consumption of light bulbs is measured in watts. LED bulbs use far less energy than incandescent bulbs. They are also more efficient. A typical 300-watt incandescent bulb produces the same brightness as an LED bulb of 45 watts. LED bulbs are able to work at around 80% efficiency. The …